We have started remodeling the master bathroom and closet. In this first picture you can see the framed new walls. The room on the right will be the closet. The is a pocket door going in to save floor space.
This is the wall between the shower and the water closet. The boards going across are supports where handrails can be added in the future if we ever need them. It is not clear in this picture, but there is a window frame built in this wall. There will be glass blocks so that the shower will have some natural light.
Both the shower and the water closet will have vent fans.
I wish this next picture was the only problem we have had or will have. The plumber did not ask where we wanted the shower valve. The shower head will be on the wall to the left, but the old plumbing was in the wall far wall, and that's where he put the valve. It is now moved.
Before we started the floor would squeak as you walk across it. To fix that I went around putting screws in the sub floor. Even then there were places that the old sub floor had to be removed and new wood put down to stop the squeaks.

There are two other parts to this project. There will be a deck off the back of the house, and the second bathroom upstairs will have a stackable washer/dryer installed. We don't want to have all our bathing facilities torn apart at the same time, so the second bath is waiting until the first bath is usable. We have started the work on the back deck.
Foundation pier were poured. Only the closest pier in this picture is for the deck. The others are for a pergola . The slats will be positioned to let sun though in the winter, but provide shade in the summer.
The fascia board was removed, along with some rotted wood.
Well, what happens when you remove roofing? It rains! The contractor tried to put plastic up to keep thing dry if it rained, but last night at 2:00 AM Dianne and I were up taking care of leaks. The clear plastic in this picture is the contractor's. The black plastic is part of what I did in the rain. We also had an old tablecloth and other plastic.
The contractor came out today to put up a better protection. This heavy plastic tarp extends over the ridgepole, and down onto the new roof framing.

Lastly, I highly recommend Democracy Now on TV or radio. It is broadcast on over 300 stations nation wide. To find the times and stations in Vermont go to http://www.democracynow.org/stations/vermont. In Texas go to http://www.democracynow.org/stations/texas In California go to http://www.democracynow.org/stations/california. In Washington go to http://www.democracynow.org/stations/washington.

There are two other parts to this project. There will be a deck off the back of the house, and the second bathroom upstairs will have a stackable washer/dryer installed. We don't want to have all our bathing facilities torn apart at the same time, so the second bath is waiting until the first bath is usable. We have started the work on the back deck.
Foundation pier were poured. Only the closest pier in this picture is for the deck. The others are for a pergola . The slats will be positioned to let sun though in the winter, but provide shade in the summer.

Lastly, I highly recommend Democracy Now on TV or radio. It is broadcast on over 300 stations nation wide. To find the times and stations in Vermont go to http://www.democracynow.org/stations/vermont. In Texas go to http://www.democracynow.org/stations/texas In California go to http://www.democracynow.org/stations/california. In Washington go to http://www.democracynow.org/stations/washington.
wow! there are so many exciting improvements going on over there.
it's going to be noisy with hammering for a while.
have a beautiful day!
ps i posted up the last 2 parts of our trip. you'll like all of the photos of the kids!
I admire your industry and the improvements added to your home. I hope all proceeds without too much hassle. Thanks for the link to Democracy Now. Otto and I have been listening to it as an alternate source of news one doesn't always get elsewhere.
Love, Mom
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