That said, many streets are still hard to drive. Our block has a single snow free lane down the center of the street, but some neighborhoods have yet to be cleared. The block I parked on to go the Tri-State Swap Meet (more on this later) had two ruts about 6 inches deep. On the right side of my car was a wall of snow higher than most curbs. As of a few days ago there were places where even garbage trucks were getting stuck.
This Saturday five Forward Look Network members met for breakfast and then went to the Tri-State swap meet. The Forward Look Network is a network of owners of 1955 through 1961 Chrysler Corporation cars.
I almost referred to us as old Chrysler owners, but decided someone might object to being called old.
The swap meet was huge! It is held in the National Western Stock Show Complex, and filled both floors of the exhibit hall. Even the hall ways were filled with spaces. This picture is of a small corner of the show.

If your thing is toys, they were there too. Note that behind the toys on the floor is a truck tool box, and behind that is a pile of old parts.

There were also non-car related items. I saw one shop doing a good business selling antiques, old low quality Native American items, and general junk.
I bought a parts book covering my car, and information to mix the correct color of paint for my car.
On the home front, I am finalizing the plans for the garage. We hope to start that project soon.
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