Sunday, September 02, 2007

Before the family reunion Dianne and I spent a day in Santa Cruz with Daria, Summer, and Baxter. This posting will be of that day. There will be future postings of the reunion, and a day in San Francisco with Josie, Charlie, and Jon.

We bought lunch to eat on the beach, but when we got ready to cross the street and eat a train got in our way.
Baxter running from a wave.
Summer and Baxter playing. (Note: I'm standing in the water to take this.)
I also got wet.

After lunch Summer and Baxter played in the sand.
After playing on the beach we went out on the pier. Some seals were resting on a dock, and allowing people to get very close to them.
They were watching us though.
There were two young ones in the group.

Oops - how did that slip in. (1964 Plymouth Valiant)

That evening we went to the board walk. Baxter was too short to ride the roller coaster, even with a taller person. Daria and Summer waited for the roller coaster, and Baxter, Dianne, and I went another direction. At least we weren't some dummy riding the chair lifts!

Dianne and Baxter rode the Tornado. We all rode a smaller roller coaster (not pictured).

There are some things in this world that I can live with out trying.
The next post will be of the reunion.


Blogger daria said...

Loved the post, Dad!
Thanks for the great memories!

9/4/07, 3:37 PM  

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