On September 6th we went to the Estes Park Scottish/Irish festival. At the end I've included a couple of later pictures.
Our day started watching a parade.
The majority of the parade was of many of the clans represented.
Some clans were larger than others.
Dogs of Scotland were in the parade, and in the fair.
One of the few cars in the parade.
This is one of a couple of restored jeeps, complete with gun. At the fair there was a complete camp with actors.
Parade cop, prior to the start.
The fair had traditional Scottish competitions.
There were some catapults. To fire someone climbs the steps on the right side to connect the pulleys to crank the arm down. It took a couple of people on each side of the catapult, turning large wheels.
The pulleys were removed, and a bowling ball placed in the sling. Then it was fired.
Over head a couple of old military plane flew over.
In one tent there was a model of the Flying Scotsman. They modeled the towns on the route, with liberties. Here is one of the many dragons hidden in the display.
A dragon driving a tractor.
Sitting on the back porch with Ellie.
We rebuilt the dog's sandbox. Almost instantly the dogs threw sand all over. I built this wall around the sandbox. I cut the doorway to match the shape I have used on gates, and the pergola.
I recently learned something about my photography. I do better with my film camera than I do with my digital camera. Other people do better with digital. It is not that film is better, or that digital is better. It is how I photograph, and the quality of my cameras.
My film camera is better than my digital, and it shows. But for me there's another factor. For this post I took many more digital pictures than I did film pictures. Yet 8 of the pictures were from film. My previous recent post where I was catching up on pictures were all film pictures. The power of digital is, for me, the problem. Digital allows me to take many pictures and delete the bad ones. What happens is that I do not take the time and care to insure that the pictures have value. Film slows me down, and I take that time.
Our day started watching a parade.
The majority of the parade was of many of the clans represented.
Some clans were larger than others.
Dogs of Scotland were in the parade, and in the fair.
One of the few cars in the parade.
This is one of a couple of restored jeeps, complete with gun. At the fair there was a complete camp with actors.
Parade cop, prior to the start.
The fair had traditional Scottish competitions.
There were some catapults. To fire someone climbs the steps on the right side to connect the pulleys to crank the arm down. It took a couple of people on each side of the catapult, turning large wheels.
The pulleys were removed, and a bowling ball placed in the sling. Then it was fired.
Over head a couple of old military plane flew over.
In one tent there was a model of the Flying Scotsman. They modeled the towns on the route, with liberties. Here is one of the many dragons hidden in the display.
A dragon driving a tractor.
Sitting on the back porch with Ellie.
We rebuilt the dog's sandbox. Almost instantly the dogs threw sand all over. I built this wall around the sandbox. I cut the doorway to match the shape I have used on gates, and the pergola.
I recently learned something about my photography. I do better with my film camera than I do with my digital camera. Other people do better with digital. It is not that film is better, or that digital is better. It is how I photograph, and the quality of my cameras.
My film camera is better than my digital, and it shows. But for me there's another factor. For this post I took many more digital pictures than I did film pictures. Yet 8 of the pictures were from film. My previous recent post where I was catching up on pictures were all film pictures. The power of digital is, for me, the problem. Digital allows me to take many pictures and delete the bad ones. What happens is that I do not take the time and care to insure that the pictures have value. Film slows me down, and I take that time.