Bad News, Old News, and New(ish) News
First the bad news. While we were in Berkeley Abby started to limp. When we returned we took her into the vet, and learned that she had a very aggressive bone cancer. We kept her as pain free as we could while we decided what was best. You could see in her eyes that she was scared and depressed.
The vet told us that often another dog will take the departure better is they witness the death. On Saturday Dianne, May, and I took Abby to the vet and said goodbye. Normally when May and Abby are apart May will whine and keep looking for Abby. May misses Abby, but clearly knows that Abby is not coming back.

The pictures in this post vary in quality. It is the content I am after.
In the old news department, here are some pictures of Ellie's 1st birthday. One problem with having multiple cameras with film in one of them is one set of pictures is always late.

OK! Now I'm bragging. Remember the pictures of the plane Dianne and I did for Ellie? Here are some more pictures.

A closeup of the propeller I made.

Steering wheel details.

When Josie visited we went to Tiny Town. Here are some pictures of the trip.

Frog picnic

At least one paper is still in business!

The day Josie, Charlie, and Jon left Dianne and I went to Berkeley.
On my birthday we went to the Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park. The living roof was beautiful.

There are old and new exhibits.

Here fishy fishy

Guess who I took this picture for. Live ones are better though.

Can you count the snakes?


Mother signed Lorelei over to me.

Some of the car parts were too big to fit in the car, so we ended up pulling a trailer. Wow can Lorelei go (though I admit nothing)!
This peaceful picture belies what is ahead. We crossed Nevada and Utah with no A/C. It was HOT.

Colorado was cooler. We stopped for a picnic lunch by the river. The car made it over the Eisenhower pass with no issues, except people thinking that every Mercedes is a diesel and trying to get ahead of me.

We made it home.

I brought home the N.Y Martin guitar. It is a ladies model. I hung it next the the other guitar to show how much smaller it is. I love the sound once it is warmed up (yes this guitar needs playing to sound good).