We had a great vacation. From day two I was sleeping in beyond 5:00 except for when we had a plane or boat to catch.
We left rainy Denver for sunny Seattle. We had no rain while there, and then returned to light rain in Denver.
Saturday we did little except recover from the trip out. Sunday Ian, Dianne, and I went to the farmers market. Below is Daisy sitting on bench carved out of a stump outside of the market. We also went into Sumner’s shopping area to look around. At the Salvation Army we found small plates, cups, and saucers that match our china set. This is a great Salvation Army where they send some of their better items.

Sunday we went huckleberry hunting. We had a great ride into the mountains and up several roads, (dirt and paved), but could not find the berries. On the way back home I shot this picture of Mount Rainier.

Monday was the day to do errands, and Tuesday Dianne and I went to Vancouver Washington and Portland Oregon to wrecking yards. Clearly this was not a Dianne activity, but she went along. This picture is one only an old car freak could appreciate.

On the way home we learned that even rental cars need gas. We were trying to push it so that I could see one more yard I had spotted going South. Instead we had to wait for AAA.

Wednesday we drove up to Port Townsend and saw Otto, Kristen, and Anna. Anna was leaving at midnight to college on Long Island.

Johnny is in Korea. If you want to see what he is doing his blog is http://yeohaengja.vox.com.
We went on to Port Angeles for the night. In the morning we caught the ferry to Victoria Island Canada. You need to start lining up for the ferry long before it arrives. We got there two hours ahead. Note that there were no clouds covering the top of Mount Olympus. This was the first time we had seen the top on any trip there. By the time we boarded the boat the moutain top was in clouds again.

In the picture below the ferry is pulling up to the dock. Note the door in the side of the ship directly out from the right side of the ramp. That is where cars drive on and off on the Canadian side of the trip. On the American side the car enter and exit from the rear of the ship. From when this picture was taken until the boat was docked the ship crawled the rear sideways pivoting on a pier near the front.

On Victoria Island we visited Butchart Gardens. The first picture below is of the sunken garden, the next is near the shops. We also visited the Royal Canadian Museum and wandered around town. There was much more we could have seen, but we only were there for a day and a half.
On Friday we drove back to Ian’s. Saturday we did the Seattle underground tour and visited. Sunday we returned home.