This posting is a general update of what we are doing. First, if anyone reading this should have received Ainsley pictures by email, but didn't, contact us.
This weekend Dianne and I took a drive up to Breckenridge and had lunch at Bubba Gump. The drive was beautiful with green hills and snow capped peaks. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending upon your view, I was into the views, the drive, and the company, at the expense of the photography. The only pictures I took were at the restaurant, and those were not digital. (A later post?) There is only one picture in this post and it is not from the drive.
For lunch Dianne had shrimp scampi, and I had mahi mahi in a bourbon sauce with shrimp on it. Both dishes were delicious. As I am writing this I learned that this is a chain with locations in 10 states and 6 countries. Among the locations are San Francisco and Monterey California, and Denver Colorado. (The closest to Huston is New Orleans, and the closest to Vermont is NY City. There's no location on the west coast north of S.F.)
This spring we have been watching a robin family in front of our house. The nest is in a tree only about three feet from the ground (the nest not the tree) and feet from the sidewalk. This picture was taken within days of them flying. I'm standing on the sidewalk.
There are four babies, all upset over me taking their picture. I tried to capture mom or dad feeding them, but couldn't.
The tow truck company did the repairs to the gas tank. They had to remove, boil out, and fix the leak they caused. Though I didn't try to I came out ahead. I suspected that the tank might need boiling out, and now that is done. Today the car is in the shop to fix the original problem. I'm going through Chrysler withdrawals waiting for the car to be finished.
The garage project is still taking much of my time. It is not yet ready for the next photo update, though several things have change. In addition to some finishing touches, there's been one larger redesign. I had the window fan mounted 90 degrees different than designed. It seemed to be working until the whole unit fell off. The mounting brackets were not designed to hold the weight in the direction I mounted it. To fix this I replace the window. Now the window is mounted 90 degrees different than designed. The window was designed to swing out to the right. I mounted it to swing up and out. This will protect the fan from rain and allows the fan to be mounted as designed.
The new (used) window came from the Habitat for Humanity building supply outlet as have all the cabinets. For any home improvement project I recommend checking them out. There are outlet stores throughout the country. A list can be found at The double paned wood casement window cost $20. The most expensive cabinet in our project cost $60 or $65. Most of the items are used, but they also get new things. Our store has a section for flooring with rolls and boxes of materials. The last time we were there there were many boxes of dark prefinished wood flooring. To a great extent, if it is for a house, they might have it.
Hopefully the next posting will have more pictures and less rambling.
This weekend Dianne and I took a drive up to Breckenridge and had lunch at Bubba Gump. The drive was beautiful with green hills and snow capped peaks. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending upon your view, I was into the views, the drive, and the company, at the expense of the photography. The only pictures I took were at the restaurant, and those were not digital. (A later post?) There is only one picture in this post and it is not from the drive.
For lunch Dianne had shrimp scampi, and I had mahi mahi in a bourbon sauce with shrimp on it. Both dishes were delicious. As I am writing this I learned that this is a chain with locations in 10 states and 6 countries. Among the locations are San Francisco and Monterey California, and Denver Colorado. (The closest to Huston is New Orleans, and the closest to Vermont is NY City. There's no location on the west coast north of S.F.)
This spring we have been watching a robin family in front of our house. The nest is in a tree only about three feet from the ground (the nest not the tree) and feet from the sidewalk. This picture was taken within days of them flying. I'm standing on the sidewalk.
The tow truck company did the repairs to the gas tank. They had to remove, boil out, and fix the leak they caused. Though I didn't try to I came out ahead. I suspected that the tank might need boiling out, and now that is done. Today the car is in the shop to fix the original problem. I'm going through Chrysler withdrawals waiting for the car to be finished.
The garage project is still taking much of my time. It is not yet ready for the next photo update, though several things have change. In addition to some finishing touches, there's been one larger redesign. I had the window fan mounted 90 degrees different than designed. It seemed to be working until the whole unit fell off. The mounting brackets were not designed to hold the weight in the direction I mounted it. To fix this I replace the window. Now the window is mounted 90 degrees different than designed. The window was designed to swing out to the right. I mounted it to swing up and out. This will protect the fan from rain and allows the fan to be mounted as designed.
The new (used) window came from the Habitat for Humanity building supply outlet as have all the cabinets. For any home improvement project I recommend checking them out. There are outlet stores throughout the country. A list can be found at The double paned wood casement window cost $20. The most expensive cabinet in our project cost $60 or $65. Most of the items are used, but they also get new things. Our store has a section for flooring with rolls and boxes of materials. The last time we were there there were many boxes of dark prefinished wood flooring. To a great extent, if it is for a house, they might have it.
Hopefully the next posting will have more pictures and less rambling.