We had a good Christmas. Dianne and I had a quiet morning, and then Gwen and Kent came over for the afternoon.
Dianne decorated.
We had already opened our gifts when I took this picture of Dianne.
It's a Guatemalan tradition to set up a complete village nativity.
This is a closer picture of the village market.
I planned the dinner. We had plantain stuffed chicken, Spanish rice, and salad with mandarin oranges.
This week we had round two of the snows. We and Denver had not yet dug out from the blizzard when we got another big dump.
All the snow has to be put somewhere. I'm standing in at the edge of our driveway.
Our street is paved with packed snow. A neighbor pushed much of the snow into piles so that people could get in and out of their driveways.
The Chrysler is dry inside the canvas garage.
This is one of the piles of snow on our block. Notice Dianne's head above the pile.
I measured the snow in two places. This is after several days of melting. Here it is 16 inches, and another place measure 20 inches.
The sun came out Saturday. I took these out our kitchen window.
Notice the fence in the foreground.
This is part of the piles of snow from the church behind us clearing their parking lot. There are several long piles between parking rows. They extend most of the length, and a couple that cover most of the width of the parking lot.
This is the snow removal equipment at Target. The church also used earth moving equipment to clear the snow.
Dianne decorated.

All the snow has to be put somewhere. I'm standing in at the edge of our driveway.